CONTACT: John McGranor, Planning Program Administrator
Erie County Department of Planning & Community Development
814-451-7329 or
Public input sought for North East Area Plan
North East, PA – The Borough of North East and North East Township, Erie County, PA are seeking the public’s help in contributing to an update to the North East Area Comprehensive Plan.
The plan will be a joint planning effort between the two municipalities. Our goals are to identify a shared vision for the future of the North East Area, determine our top priority issues, develop action plans to address these priorities, and to achieve the desired results.
The success of this project will require the input and active participation of the North East Area community, including our business owners, community leaders, and residents. A successful and effective plan must reflect community‑wide values and address the community’s concerns and priorities. In order to help us “get it right”, we ask that you get involved, and make your views known.
Many opportunities for public participation will be included in the planning process. We intend to hold public meetings, and will also use a public survey to collect input from our residents. Our first public meeting will be held at Heard Memorial Park, N. Lake Street, North East, PA on June 22, 2021 at 6 pm. In the event of rain, the meeting will be rescheduled for June 29, 2021 at 6 pm.
We anticipate that this planning process will take approximately one year to complete. At the request of the municipalities, the Erie County Department of Planning & Community Development has agreed to help facilitate the planning process and to provide professional consulting services. The County is providing these services at no cost to the municipalities.
Throughout this process, the municipal websites will be used to provide information about the project. Public meeting announcements, draft copies of the plan, and other pertinent information will be posted to the websites, as they become available.